About Campari:
Campari is an Italian company active since 1860 in the branded beverage industry. It produces spirits, wines, and soft drinks. The Group is now a global company (sixth-largest player worldwide), marketing and distributing its products in over 190 countries.
My task as a freelance art director:
We were asked to create a responsive microsite to display their products “Mojito”, “Orange” and “Lemone”. My main task was the creation of the artworks around the sodas as well as the tablet and mobile adaption of the site. So enjoy the project.
Agency: Isobar Germany
Client: Campari Gruppo
My Role:
– Freelance Art Director,
– Freelance UI Designer,
– Freelance Illustrator

Creative Lead
Michael Brandt
Freelance Art Director
Christoph Gey
Project Manager
Stephanie Zabel
Marcin Ciesielski